Intellectual products in the sphere of science: key determinants of commercialization
УДК (330.111.4:001); 334.012.42
- Т. И. Волкова
Институт экономики Уральского отделения Российской академии наук
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The study presents the author formulation how to differentiate products of scientific work, specific features of intellectual products and key determinants of their commercialization. Specific features of intellectual products in the sphere of science consist in their endogenous potential, corresponding factors, abilities to various modifications and metamorphoses. In many cases emphasized features cause difficulties in commercialization of intellectual products, but at the same time they promote highly professional activity of innovative-oriented national companies in achieving high yield and competitiveness in the domestic and export market. However, these endogenous factors opposed to exogenous are considered practically no attention in the national theory and practice. As an efficient tool of turning intellectual products into companies` income-earning assets and risk minimization business-modeling is suggested, that is used in practical activity of hi-tech companies in developed countries.
Выходные данные
Волкова, Т. И. Интеллектуальные продукты научной сферы: ведущие детерминанты коммерциализации / Т. И. Волкова // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2011. ─ № 20. ─ С. 182