УДК [33:316.4] : 332.1 (476.5)
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РефератSUMMARY On the basis of available approaches to region innovation activities review, a methodology for integrated assessment of region innovation activities is introduced. The article describes the general stages of integrated assessment of innovation activities at a regional level: methodological survey frame for an assessment of certain innovation components as well as of region innovation activities in whole is introduced and considered. This methodological survey frame makes it possible to assess every single component of innovation activities in terms of quantity and define its contribution to innovation development of a particular region, and draw up an innovation rating of the regions in order to make managerial decisions on resource allocation for the purpose of its most effective implementation. |
Прудникова, Л. В. Комплексная модель оценки инновационной деятельности региона / Л. В. Прудникова // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2010. ─ № 18. ─ С. 152