UDC 677.022
abstractWork has been carried out to increase the volume of the core-spun cotton-polyester yarn under the influence of microwave current. A technique for conducting experiments has been developed. As a result, it was found that the ultra-high frequency currents have an effect and can be used as a wet-heat treatment. Optimization of the technology for obtaining a bulk core-spun cotton-polyester yarn has been carried out, and the optimal parameters of the wet-heat treatment have been determined. |
Kulandin, Anton Improvement of the Bulk of Core-Spun Cotton-Polyester Yarn in Conditions of Exposure to Electromagnetic Waves of Ultra-High Frequency / Anton Kulandin, Alexander Kogan // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University. ─ 2018. ─ № 2(35). ─ P. 29. DOI:10.24411/2079-7958-2018-13503