UDC 339.564
DOI: 10.24411/2079-7958-2018-13417
AbstractBased on the analysis of existing approaches, a methodology has been developed for assessing the effectiveness of sales activities of sewing products organizations, based on three blocks of indicators, each of which contains a system of both detached and generalized indicators. The first set of indicators provides an assessment of the factors that determine the efficiency of the sales activities of the organization, the second set of indicators provides an assessment of the effectiveness of sales activities in a separate market, and the third - allows you to give an overall assessment of the effectiveness of sales activities of the organization. According to the method proposed by the authors, the efficiency of the marketing activities of OJSC "Znamya Industrializatsiya" and KUPP "Vitebchanka" was estimated. |
Kvasnikova, V. Efficiency Assessment of Marketing Activities of Sewing Products Organizations: Methodology and Aprobation / V. Kvasnikova, N. Matskevich // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2018. ─ № 1(34). ─ P. 134. DOI:10.24411/2079-7958-2018-13417