Zaitseva OlgaVitebsk State Technological University Head of department “Management” Candidate of Sciences (in Economics)
Area of expertise: Labor market, non-standard forms of employment, forecasting professional skills in the labor market |
Publication activity: |
RSCI- h index is 4 (october, 2020)
A fellow member of the reviewer board of: |
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• Youth unemployment in border regions: the experience of comparative analysis: monograph by A.V. Vankevich, A.N. Korobova, O. V. Zaitseva, O. Ya. Lavrinenko, V.V. Menshikov, A.V. Okhotina; under scientific. ed. E.V. Vankevich. - Vitebsk: UO "VSTU", 2017. - 156 p.
• Non-standard employment: essence, forms, scale, regulation / E. Vankevich, O. Zaitseva // Belarusian Economic Journal. - 2015. - No. 3. - pp. 129-146.
• Online-portals of job vacancies: prospects of use in the practice of labor market regulation in the Republic of Belarus / E.V. Vankevich, O.V. Zaitseva // Digital transformation. - 2020. - No. 2 (11). - pp.33-42.
• Regulation of informal employment in the Republic of Belarus / O.V. Zaitseva // Bulletin of the Belarusian State Economic University. - 2018. - No. 6 (131). - pp.21-30
• Econometric assessment of individual risk factors for youth unemployment / OV Zaitseva // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University. - 2017. - No. 2 (33). - pp. 132-139.