
Bulletin of
Vitebsk State

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ISSN: 2306-1774 (Online)

ISSN: 2079-7958 (Print)

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OAJI Vestnik of VSTU









Technology and machinery of light industry and machine building



Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry

Vice-Rector for International Relations

Professor at the department "Costume Design"

Area of expertise:
Theoretical methods of engineering technologies for designing of high-strength shells; research and development of a package of multilayer textiles and heat transfer processes for protective clothing, methodology of science-intensive non-waste production technologies for resource-saving manufacturing; electrostatic properties of materials and products; technologies for human electrostatic safety; structure and properties of textiles and thin polymers; scientific principles for the use of composite materials in light industry products.

e-mail: ssht61@mail.ru

Publication activity

Scopus – 15 (H-Index) (January, 2022)

The author of over 680 scientific papers, 52 patents, 22 monographs, 38 textbooks and study manuals in the field of science-intensive light industry technologies. The scientific supervisor (advisor) of 15 dissertations (successfully defended), including 11 dissertations of candidates of sciences (PhD), including 2 defended abroad, and 4 ones of doctors of sciences (DSc).

Membership in organizations, academies, councils

Academician of the International Academy of Science and Engineering for Development (IASED) China,
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural History,
Emeritus Professor of the Kosygin Russian State University
The fellow member of 3 dissertation councils on award of PhD and DSc degrees including the International Dissertation Council of Almaty Technological University

Membership in Editorial Boards:

Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Technology of Textile industry. (Russia)
The Journal of Almaty Technological University (Kazakhstan)
Uzbekistan Textile (Uzbekistan)
Scientific Horizons (Ukraine)
European Sciences Review (Austria)



• I.V.Cherunova, S.Sh.Tashpulatov, A.Merkulova. Development of automation algorithm for step of designing technology of static electricity protection clothing International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon) 2018 (Scopus).

• I.V.Cherunova, S.Sh.Tashpulatov, A.Merkulova Automation of deformed fibrous materials thermal characteristics accounting process in garments production International Russian Automation Conference, RusAutoCon 2018 8501795 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56938631200 (Scopus)

• B.H.Baymuratov, S.Sh.Tashpulatov, R.D.Akbarov, M.U.Ilhamova. Development of special fabrics protecting from electromagnetic radiation Aegean International Textile and Advanced Engineering Conference (AITAE 2018) IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 459 (2019) 012031 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/459/1/012031 (Scopus)

• I.V.Cherunova, S.Sh.Tashpulatov, S.A.Kolesnik. Automation of deformed fibrous materials thermal characteristics accounting process in garments production International Russian Automation Conference, RusAutoCon 2018 8501795 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56938631200 (Scopus)

• S.Sh.Tashpulatov, I.V.Cherunova, M.K.Rasulova, D.D.Inogamdjanov. Development of the calculation method of polymer compound mass to be applied onto the textile garment pieces Aegean International Textile and Advanced Engineering Conference (AITAE 2018) IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 459 (2019) 012067 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1757-899X/459/1/012067 (Scopus)

• Z.A.Sabirova, S.Sh.Tashpulatov, A.P.Parpiev. Evaluation of form-resistance of fully-formated semi-finished furniture sewing products with content of polymer composition. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 13(23), с. 10141-10144. 2018 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56938631200 (Scopus)

• Z.A.Sabirova, S.Sh.Tashpulatov, A.P.Parpiev. Mathematical substantiation of the rational package (BAG) of fully-formed FUR articles with content of polymer composition. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 13(23), с. 10145-10147. 2018 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56938631200 (Scopus)

• С.Ш.Ташпулатов, И.В.Черунова, М.А.Мансурова, Г.А.Ганиева. Разработка новых типов однониточных цепных стежков с улучшенными характеристиками. Журнал «Известия ВУЗов. Технология текстильной промышленности», ИВГПУ, 2017, №5, С. 174-177 (Scopus).

• З.Д.Молдагажева, Р.О.Жилисбаева, К.Ж.Кучарбаева, А.Т.Токтарбаева, С.Ш.Ташпулатов. Разработка новых огнестойких пакетов для спецодежды сварщиков. Журнал «Известия ВУЗов. Технология текстильной промышленности», ИВГПУ, 2017, №5, С. 65-69 (Scopus).

• А.А.Таласпаева, Р.О.Жилисбаева, С.Ш.Ташпулатов. Исследование прочностных характеристик нетканых образцов. Журнал «Известия ВУЗов. Технология текстильной промышленности», ИВГПУ, 2017, №5, С. 126-128 (Scopus).