Husarau AliakseyEducational Institution «Vitebsk State Technological University» Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Robotic Engineering Candidate of Sciences (in Engineering) Area of expertise: Textile Materials Science |
Publication activity |
RSCI-h-index(RSCI)- is 4 (october, 2020)
A fellow member of the reviewer board of: |
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• Husarau A.M. Assessment and anticipation of heat-proofing properties of material packages for protective clothing for firefighters : monograph / A.M. Husarau, A.A. Kuznetsov. – Vitebsk : EI "VSTU", 2017. – 174 pp.
• Husarau, A.M. Examination of temperature distribution in materials multilayered pack of fire fighting gear under thermal exposure / A.M. Husarau, А.А. Kuzniatsou, N.M. Dmitrakovich, S.M. Danilova-Tretyak // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Series of Physical and Technicla Sciences. – 2014. – No. 4. – pp. 87–92.
• 3. Husarau, A.M. Influence of the basic operational factors on thermal-protective properties of fire fighting gear / A.M. Husarau, А.А. Kuzniatsou // Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Technology of Light industry. 2015. –Vol. 28. – No. 2. – pp. 49–53.
• Olshansky A.I. Material temperature during convective drying process of thin materials at decreasing drying rate / A.I. Olshansky, A.M. Husarau // Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics. – 2020. –Vol. 93, No. 2. – pp. 378–383.