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Oleg DormeshkinBelarusian State Technological University Director of the International Information and Analytical Center for Technology Transfer Doctor of Sciences (in Engineering). Professor Area of expertise:Technology of inorganic substances; production of mineral fertilizers; industrial ecology; conversion processes in multicomponent water-salt systems and their rheological properties |
Academician of the World Academy of Mining Sciences |
Publication activity |
Scopus author ID 6507215043 Researcher ID AAF-1592-2020 ORCID Authorid 792028 |
Member of International Editorial Boards: |
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A fellow member of the reviewer board of: |
Member of Editorial Board of the Qaraqalpaqs academic journal (Uzbekistan), and “Engineering Technologies” Journal of Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies (Russia) |
1. Солевой состав и физико-химические процессы в объеме гранул удобрений на стадии хранения / Дормешкин О.Б., Гаврилюк А.Н.// Весці Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі. Серыя хімічных навук. 2022. Т. 58, № 2. C. 224–236. https:/ DOI: 10.29235/1561-8331-2022-58-2-224-236.
2. Studying the composition of complex mineral fertilizers and inorganic salts in accordance with international REACH requirements / O Dormeshkin,A Hauryliuk, N Muminov, B Khoshimov // Sustainable Management of Earth Resources and Biodiversity IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1068 (2022) 012014 OP Publishing oi:10.1088/1755-1315/1068/1/012014 11P.
3. Research of the composition of low-rated phosphorites of the Aksay Deposit as a сomponent of fertilizer / Kozhakhmetova A.M., Zhantasov K.T., Dormeshkin O.B., Baiysbay O.P, Dosbayeva A.M.// News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Кazakhstan. Series chemistry and technology. ISSN 2224-5286 Volume 5-6, Number 449 (2021), 93-98pp .32014/2021.2518-1491.82 https://journals.nauka -technology/article/view /2731.
4. Obtaining environmentally safe mixed fertilizers containing trace elements based on carbonate-siliceous dolomitized phosphate raw materials and wastes / Zhantasov, K.T., Kozhakhmetova, A.M., Dormeshkin, O.B., Baiysbay, O.P., Dosbayeva, A.M.//chp. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry this link is disabled, 2021, 14(2), стр. 1208-1215 https: // /123456789/45576?mode= full.
5. Kinetics and mechanism of decomposition of low-quality phosphorites of the zhanatas deposit. /Zhantasov K.T., Shaimerdenova G.S., Dormeshkin O.B. // Reports of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Кazakhstan. ISSN 2224-5227 Volume 6, Number 340 (2021), 163-169pp /10.32014/2021.2518-1483 .125 https://journals.nauka /article/view/2755.
6. Off-balance phosphate raw materials of the Zhanatas deposit: comprehensive study of composition and structure. / Zhantasov K.T., Shaimerdenova G.S., Dormeshkin O.B. // News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan. Series chemistry and technology. ISSN 2224-5286 Volume 5-6, Number 449 (2021), 93-98pp 32014/2021.2518-1491.82 https://journals.nauka -technology/article/view /2731
7. Физико-химические и технологические основы получения поташа на основе местных сырьевых материалов (монография) / О.Б. Дормешкин, А.У. Эркаев, А.Н. Бобокулов, З.К. Тоиров, Ташкент, ТХТИ, 2021. – 127 с.
8. Дормешкин, О.Б. Новые виды фосфорсодержащих комплексных удобрений и тукосмесей. Технологии получения и агрохимическая эффективность (монография) / О.Б. Дормешкин, А.Ф, Минаковский, А.У. Эркаев и др.- Минск Шымкент: БГТУ, 2020. – 307 с.
9. Dormeshkin O. Interactions between components of complex fertilizers. Chemical and physico-chemical interactions at the stages of mixing, granulating and drying during their production (английский) (монография). Lambert, 2019. – 66 p.
10. Дормешкин О.Б., Воробьев Н.И. Производство бесхлорных водорастворимых комплексных удобрений (монография) Минск: БГТУ, -2006.-248 с.
11. Технология кальцинированной соды. (учебник гриф МО Узбекистана)/ В.А. Линкиевич, А.У. Эркаев, А.К. Рамбергенов, Л.С. Ещенко, О.Б. Дормешкин. Ташкент, изд.во «Tafakkur tomchilari», 2021. – 343 с. (19,5 уч. печ. л.)
12. Study of the influence of technological parameters on the quality of potassium nitrate/ Erkaev A.U., Normjmatov F.H., Dormeshkin O.B. International Journal of Aquatic science. 2021 Wes of science group ISSN 2008-8019 15p.