- Structural and Morphological Features and P roperties of Fibers, Formed on the Basis of Poly[Acrylonitrile-Co-Methylacrylate-Co-Itaconic Acid] by the Dimethylf ormamide Method
Iryna Haradniakova, Natallia Pchelova, Iryna Budkute, Leonid Shcherbina
- Effect of Enzymatic Treatment on the Properties of Linen Cottonin
Dmitry Lisouski, Natalia Yasinskaya
- Production Technology and Quality Assessment of Ostrich Skins
Rita Tomasheva, Iryna Karelina
- Sorption Activity of Materials Based on a Fiber-Forming C opolymer of Acrylonitrile and 2-Acrylamid-2-Methylpropanesulfonic Acid
Vera Chykunskaya, Leonid Shcherbina, Valery Ogorodnikov, Iryna Budkute
- Energy-Saving Technology of Preparing Cotton Fabrics for Dyeing
Natalia Yasinskaya, Ksenia Lenko, Yulia Maruschak