keywords publisher’s imprint Sheremet, Elena Study of the Resistance of Special Footwear to Aggressive Environments / Elena Sheremet, Marina Shevtsova, Liliya Sheverinova //…
keywords Publisher’s imprint Radyuk, Anastasia Technologies for Producing Materials for Shoe Sole Based on Secondary Polyurethanes / Radyuk Anastasia, Kozlova Maria, Burkin…
keywords Comparative Evaluation of the Flexural Rigidity of Footwear of Various Types UDC 685.34.017.85 authors Yuliya Miliushkova Candidate of Sciences (in…
keywords Publisher’s imprint Radyuk, A. Aging of Products from Recycled Polyurethane in Natural Climatic Conditions / A. Radyuk, A. Burkin // Vestnik of Vitebsk State…